Ken Lee (USA)

Ken Lee
- Martial Arts Exellence

Mr. Lee is head couch of USA MMA national team and head couch of one of the topest world MMA teams - United MMA Hawai.

  • *ounder of Total Defense System (TDS)
  • Pankration Black Belt Instructor
  • Taekwondo Black Belt Instructor
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Instructor

Coach Ken was the National Head Coach of the Canadian Sport Jujitsu Team, President of the ISJA Canadian Sports Jujitsu Association and President of the Canadian Pangration Federation. Coach Ken has taught thousands of students in his 25 years as a martial arts instructor and personally trainged multiple National, International and World Champions.

He is a father and also head couch of the best young MMA fighters (daughter and son) Angela and Christian Lee, the ONE Championship world champion.