Ali Naserallah (Egipat)

Ali Haserallah- Dedication to the Martial Arts

Egipatski instruktor i majstor borilačkih vještina Ali Naserallah je osnivatelj borilačkog stila Kick Punch Fu i ujedno predsjednik Svjetske Kick Punch Fu federacije sa sjedištem u Kuwaitu, predsjednik je Genshinkan federacije za Bliski Istok.

Učesnik je niza međunarodnih seminara i kampova borilačkih vještina po cijelom svijetu (Italija, Cipar, SAD, Kuwait, Egipat, itd.).

Nositelj je niza borilačkih priznanja i nagrada.


Ali Naserallah (Egypt)

Egyptian martial arts instructor and master Ali Naserallah is the founder of the martial arts style of Kick Punch Fu and also president of the Kuwait-based World Kick Punch Fu Federation, president of the Genshinkan Federation for the Middle East.

He participates in a number of international martial arts seminars and camps around the world (Italy, Cyprus, USA, Kuwait, Egypt, etc.).

He holds a number of martial arts awards and trophies.