Mikhail K. Dobkin (Rusija)
Grand Master of the Year
The President of the Regional Jujutsu Federation;
Shihan of the Martial Arts School “Tetsuken Shin Ryu Bu-Jutsu”
5th Dan Tetsuken Shin Ryu Ju-Jutsu;
3d Dan Hoku Shin Ko Ryu Ju-Jutsu;
3d Dan Bushikan Ju-Jutsu;
3d Dan Motoha Yoshin ryu jujutsu, shidoin
1st Dan Hakko Denshin Ryu Ju-Jutsu;
1st Dan Hoku Shin Ko Ryu Kobujutsu;
Okuden Reiki Mikao Usui from M. Matsedranath;
Internationally Certified Irigumi Judge, Member of Jiu Jitsu International (JJI)
The Martial Arts School of Mikhail K. Dobkin has been functioning since 1990. Mikhail Dobkin is the founder of the first school practicing Jujutsu in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov Region in RUSSIA.
Until 1991 he was a member of Board of the Soviet Union Jujutsu Federation. Starting from 1991, Dobkin was leading the Rostov Department of the International Okinawa Martial Arts Union which is a part of International Martial Arts Union.
From 2003 to 2009 he was an official representative of International Organizations in the Southern Federal District – “Bushinkai International”, “Moto-Ha Yoshin Ryu International”.
Since 1990 Mikhail Dobkin has coached and instructed over a thousand people among whom there are many champions and prizewinners of various competitions, security service officers and bodyguards.
Mikhail Dobkin has learned various styles of Martial Arts since 1978: Judo, Sambo,
Jugo Ryu, Bushinkan Ju-Jutsu, Hakko Denshin Ryu Ju-Jutsu and others.
M. Dobkin has also participated in the following competitions:
1995 – Moscow, IMAU (International Martial Arts Union), 3d prize in Ju-Jutsu;
2000 – Moscow, IMAU, 3d prize in Ju-Jutsu;
2000 – Moscow, IMAU, 3d prize in Kata;
2002 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA ,1st prize in Kobu-Jutsu;
2002 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 1st prize in Enbu Karate;
2002 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 3d prize in Iai Jutsu;
2003 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 3d prize in Kata Iai Jutsu;
2003 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 1st prize in Kobu Jutsu;
2003 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 2nd prize in Kata Karate;
2003 – Rostov-on-Don, WRKBA, 2nd prize in Kata Kobu Jutsu.
Mikhail K. Dobkin is the author of books:
"Street Fighter. Skill Levels" 2007, AST;
"Street Fighter with a Knife" 2007, AST ;
“Lethal Techniques of Samurai. Goshin Jutsu – the Art of Quick Victory over the Enemy", 2008, AST;
"Lethal Techniques of Pushing on Pressure Points" 2008, AST;
"How to Subdue an Armed Enemy", Moscow, 2009, AST.